Saturday 17 October 2015


The retailers seem happy, and 'An Angel Falls to The Wild Side' is now available.
It's actually been just over two years since the last new 'Tale from The Wild Side' was released, so this is well overdue. The story picks up on the original 'The Wild Side' book, which has since been integrated into the series and is now titled 'A Walk on The Wild Side'. At the end of that book, Barry Angel agreed to become Ralph Daley's slave. And there a line was drawn. In 'An Angel Falls' I move their story on ten weeks and find that all is now perfect in their world. Through into the equation one Angus MacLeod who has taken a serious liking to them both, with Barry being his realistic target. Not surprisingly, Barry (and Ralph in a way) falls for MacLeod's masterful charms. But it's what happens thereafter that makes the story, as Barry is given a chance to work at The Wild Side in a creative capacity - designing the first set for the new Fantasy Zone at the club.
Hope you enjoy it.


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